Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Why is it that when most strangers find out you have 4 boys and 0 girls they feel the need to congratulate the dad and console the mom?

Friday, April 24, 2009

5 Year Pictures

We took Brayden to get his 5 year pictures tonight at Sears. These are not his best ones ever, but for $5 they weren't bad. lol

He saw this flag there and he really wanted to take his picture with it. So I told him if he did well he could take the last picture with it. lol

Giftcard giveaway

A lady that is on one of my coupon boards is giving away a $10 Target giftcard to one lucky person on May 2nd. Check out her blog for more details and to enter:

Target Giftcard Giveaway

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Brennan's First Year

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Baby!

Today my sweet baby is ONE! It is a bittersweet day in our house. I am excited to start this new chapter in our lives, but sad to leave the infant stage behind for good. Brennan is such an easy baby, he has been a true blessing. He can say Momma, Dadda, Uh-Oh, and Wow. Although, he doesn't usually do it on command for anyone but me. He does wave, but again not on command. He has 8 teeth already, 4 on top and 4 on the bottom. He has started standing this week if we stand him up and let go. He isn't walking yet, but I would think within the month he will be. He has tried a few times to stand up on his own. He is a pro at cruising the funiture and crawling. We are all head over hills in love with our tickle monkey! Happy Birthday sweet boy, what a blessing you have been to our lives.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

George Bush Library Easter Egg Hunt

Better late than never, right?!? One thing I love about being in the Brazos Valley is the George Bush Library and their events. This year they had their Easter egg hunt on the same day that t-ball had their opening day. So that morning Dustin took the older 2 to pictures and I took the younger 2 to the Bush library. Dustin's parents went with me, and then my mom met us there. It was so weird to have 4 adults and only 2 children, much less one that was strapped into a stroller. I think Bryson really enjoyed all the attention.
Brennan kicked back and chillin'
Bryson trying to step as hard as he could to throw the frog out
Bryson hunting eggs...notice no basket, but a red bag. Bad mommy was so worried about getting daddy and the older 2 boys out the door and ready I didn't even think about a basket. Thankfully, I had a red bag in the car.
Brennan playing with eggs
Bry loved the fire department's robot Freddy

Bry's favorite color is blue, so he asked for a blue football.
He has a blue football on one side and a red A&M on the other
Brennan won one of the door prizes. It was a bunch of random little toys. One was this frisbee. Bryson was playing with my mom, and was a natural.

Backyard Fun

Our backyard was one of the main selling points of this house. Our last house was in a brand new subdivision where they had cut all the trees down. There was not a single tree in the backyard and not much more than a sapling in the front yard. This house has beautiful, large trees and is on a wooded lot.
This is our backyard
A few weeks ago when my nephews were visiting the boys all went exploring out there for the 1st time. They found this really cool place down there. They told me it was their fort. I remember back when I was a kid I had a special fort and a special clubhouse. To get in you had to be a member of my club (the type of club changed frequently). haha
After exploring we made the boys a picnic lunch for them to eat out on the deck. The other 2 boys are my nephews.

Big Event

Texas A&M University holds an event every year in which students volunteer on a Saturday to help around the community, their way of saying thank you for putting up with us. lol This year was held on March 28th, and we had 9 college students come over. They got way more work done than we thought possible. They took out all the rocks and leaves in the front pathway. Then they took out a bunch of bricks in the back and dug down and created a play area for the kids climber. Then they got everything leveled out. After they left we laid flagstone stepping stones and a pallet of grass. Then in the back we added more dirt and built the climber that Santa brought the boys back in 2007.
Daddy working hard on the front yard Brayden helping PawPaw (my dad)
Brandt helping Daddy

Bryson working hard, look at that concentration!

Brayden carried his horse around like this all day. It was so funny.

Brandt enjoying it being finished, notice the dirt between his eyes. lol

Our cowboy

Bryson dumping mulch

Not a good quality picture, but the boys enjoying it finished, with playground mulch and everything!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Brayden's Birthday Party...warning picture overload!

Brayden really wanted a swimming birthday party this year. One pool in town, which we had never been to before, is already open. They keep the pool heated during the winter, so the water isn't too cold. It poured Friday and Saturday with over 4 inches of rain (Friday was a record rainfall). I was a little nervous about his party on Sunday, but thankfully the rain stayed gone. It was however, super windy and a little cool. As long as the kids were in the pool they were great, but as soon as they got out their lips started chattering and turning blue. It was a lot of fun! Brayden and Daddy


Bryson and Daddy
Brandt, my little water monkey
Brayden swam all over the pool with these 2 noodles under his arms. They give the little added reassurance that he needs.
Brennan checking out the pool
I did bring Brennan's suit, but it was a little too cool for him to get in. He'll get his turn later in the summer.
Bryson loved playing on the stairs, it is about the only area he can reach (it is a pretty deep pool)
Brayden and his best friend, Davis
My friend made this cake for Brayden. It was strawberry, and really good. It was too windy we couldn't get the candle to light, but he still enjoyed getting sung to.
What happens to Bry after a fun day of partying!
Meet Snow White the bunny...my uncle showed up with him for Brayden's birthday present. I know NOTHING about rabbits. The boys were excited, Dustin and I not so much. lol No, we did not know anything about the rabbit until he walked through the door.

Bry the Anteater

Bryson the Anteater

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Game Balls

Brayden and Brandt are both on the same t-ball team this year. We are the Red Owlz. Dustin is their head coach, and it has been a lot of fun so far. Each game the one player who had the best game gets the game ball. Well tonight the boys played so wonderful it was really really hard to choose just one, so they ended up giving out 2. Brayden was one of them! He had an awesome game. Brayden fielded the ball as pitcher and threw it to 1st base
He fielded the ball as pitcher and ran home and tagged the girl out. He only needed to step on the base, but that isn't nearly as fun as tagging her. lol
Out of the 6 or 7 balls hit to him only one got by him. Some of them were hit pretty hard, but he got in front of them.
In t-ball they pitch 2 balls and if you don't him either then they bring out the tee. Brayden got his 1st hit off a coach pitched ball tonight. He was so funny, because when he hit it he just stood there and had no idea what to do. You could tell he was not expecting to hit it. lol (Notice the pink ball: we were playing a girls team and each team fields their own balls, so we hit their pink balls).
Daddy & Brayden

Brandt got a gameball on April 7th, Brayden's birthday

Brandt hit the ball off the tee really far. Notice he is standing on 1st base and the other team is just getting to the ball. The 2nd time he batted he got a hit off a coach pitch too. I tried to get a picture, but the ball is already out of the frame so you can't really tell.
Brandt fielded the ball as short stop and ran to 2nd base, as you can tell he was super close to getting an out
Brandt & Daddy